Ramblers’ Nest in the Altmark
South of Salzwedel, between the hilly ridge of the Klötzer Forst and the Drömling nature park, you will find the resort town of Klötze. Tradition meets modernity. The Altmark rambling club was established in this tranquil small town. As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once remarked, “Only where you have been on foot, you have truly been.” Klötze is one of the so-called Altmärkische Wandernester (ramblers’ nests) that are connected by a range of themed hiking tours such as the ‘Wild Boar Tour’, the ‘Blackbird Tour’ and the ‘Badger Tour’. Another great way of exploring this part of the country is on horseback and the Drömling is not far. The Kneipp water treading pool at the Schwiesauer Pond is ideal for getting the circulation going. Roll up your trouser legs and revive your spirits in the cold water. Here, too, the same applies: regular application helps!
Chlorella makes happy. Klötze is home to the largest microalgae cultivation facility in the world. The alga contains an amino acid that our body needs to produce the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is responsible for our feelings of happiness.
Tourist Information Stadt Klötze
Schulplatz 1, 38486 Klötze
Tel. +49 3909 403117, www.stadt-kloetze.de
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